Buying images

Most of our work is in electronic format for newspapers, magazines, web sites, etc. Prices are by negotiation. In certain circumstances we can supply hard copies (See below).
We will provide low resolution electronic copies of images at no charge for use on players' or clubs' web sites. Conditions attach to their use. Please note that because of demand I have decided to restrict the number supplied to each player/club to two. And remember that an electronic copy is worth more than a hard copy (because it can be transmitted, copied or printed several times), so an electronic copy may cost more than a hard copy.
We will sometimes supply hard copies of images. Because we are not set up to provide prints, there will be some compromises in what we can supply and how we can supply them. Hard copies are usually printed on good quality photo paper on a professional standard ink jet printer (Canon Pro 9000 Mk II). We only carry stocks of A4 and A3 paper and images are printed 'best fit' on the paper. Some images may not be suitable for printing on A3 paper. Although we believe that the images are fairly fade resistant, we cannot guarantee that they will not fade in time.
NEW! We are now able to supply postcard size images. Please remember that the prices are based not only on the material used, but include an element to cover our time and the cost of travel, equipment and other costs.
Our usual costs are:
A4: £15.00 including p & p. Any additional prints at £10.
A3: £30.00 including p & p. Due to the post and packing requirements in this size there is no discount for additional prints.
Postcard: £5 including p & p. Any additional copies of the same image £2.00.
For further details use the form on our 'Contact' page or email